Judge for the April 12th Pleasure Show – Gary Fields

The next show is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th RUNNING @ 9:00 AM & PLEASURE starting @ 1:00 PM to be held at Crazzy P Arena in Cedar Town.

NOTE: Running will be first starting @ 9:00 AM and Pleasure will be starting @ 1:00 PM for the April, May & June shows.

Please see ‘NWGHA POINT STANDINGS’ tab for updated Pleasure & Running Points as of the November show

Please see ‘SHOW SHEET’ tab for updated Pleasure & Running Show Sheets



Everyone –                                                                                                                                   

Please be sure to bring a copy of your horses’ current coggins to the shows. A copy of your horses’ current coggins is required with entry.  You MUST have a current coggins on each horse you bring onto the show grounds.  A horse without current coggins should not be unloaded from trailer.

ATTN clip art

We do require you to show current coggins at each show.